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Git Pages

Fernando Guisso
Fernando Guisso
Sharing and learning, hack the planet!
Table of Contents

About Git Pages

Git Pages is a solution for hosting static web applications, eliminating the need to manage complex infrastructure. The main advantage is the simplicity in deployment and maintenance, plus it’s free for open source projects.

Currently, all projects are hosted on GitHub Pages, with future plans to implement disaster recovery (DR) by replicating them on GitLab Pages.

An important consideration: to effectively use Git Pages, applications must be entirely client-side, utilizing modern browser APIs. Therefore, some projects that require backend services are not suitable for this platform.

Main Sites

  • - Personal blog built with Hugo and Blowfish theme, focused on technology and development
  • - Technical wiki developed with Hugo and Hextra theme, documenting learnings and references
  • - Library of technical books about security, using Hugo and Hextra theme

Technical Presentations

Collection of slides created with Slidev and automated via GitHub Actions:

Music Tools

  • GrooveScribe - Drum tablature editor developed in pure JavaScript
  • GTuner - Guitar tuner built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, using Web Audio API

Educational Games

Digital Art

  • RFID Art - Interactive art installation that responds to NFC cards (Chrome-only compatible)
    • Uses Web NFC API
    • Demonstration of generative art with JavaScript
    • Example of integration between hardware and modern web